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Limites non-relativistes des équations de Maxwell

le 15 mai 2013

14H - Groupe de travail "Applications des Mathématiques"

ENS Rennes Bâtiment Sauvy, Salle 5 (rdc)

Séminaire de Giovanni Manfredi (CNRS, Strasbourg) au groupe de travail "Applications des mathématiques"

Lien vers la page Web de l'orateur Résumé (exposé en français) : In 1973, Le Bellac and Lévy-Leblond (Nuovo Cimento B, 14 217-234) discovered that Maxwell's equations possess two non-relativistic Galilei-covariant limits, corresponding to E >> cB (electric limit) or E << cB (magnetic limit). Here, we provide a systematic, yet simple, derivation of these two limits based on a dimensionless form of Maxwell's equations and an expansion of the electric and magnetic fields in a power series of some small parameters. Using this procedure, all previously known results are recovered in a natural and unambiguous way. Some further extensions are also discussed. Preprint available here:

Recherche - Valorisation
Thibaut Deheuvels et Gilles Vilmart

Mise à jour le 9 avril 2013