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The Mathematics research team

The members of ENS Rennes Mathematics Department are part of the Institut de recherche mathématique de Rennes (IRMAR - Mathematical Research Institute of Rennes).

This laboratory, with around 200 researchers, covers all the fields of Mathematics: Algebraic Geometry, Algebra, Cryptography, Analytic Geometry, Analysis of partial differential equations, Numerical analysis, Ergodic theory, Stochastic processes, Statistics.

The Department is a founding member of the Centre Henri Lebesgue, a laboratory of excellence (Labex) which includes a large proportion of the mathematics researchers of the west of France, and, in particular, the Jean Leray Mathematics Laboratory of Nantes.
The Mathematics research team of ENS Rennes is composed of around 25 researchers who are professor-researchers, CNRS researchers or Inria researchers (IPSO team - project).

The main research themes are:

  • Mathematical Analysis and its applications, in particular Partial Derivative Equations (deterministic and stochastic),
  • the Optimization of Shapes, and the influence of geometric singularities in these models,
  • Statistical Learning and High-Dimensional Statistics.

Date of update May 10, 2017